Coaching The Whiteboard Way


Goals & More!



I was talking with a friend over Christmas and she was asking about tips for goal setting and productivity. It’s a question I get a lot, everyone wants the perfect planner or tool to help them stay on track, especially at the beginning of the year, but there isn’t a perfect planner or tool. It isn’t a one size fits all thing. At the end of the day, whatever tool you use, it comes down to consistency over time. While we all know that, we all struggle with it. And when we fail at consistency we loose momentum and end up not hitting or even giving up on our goals. But I have seen over and over again how accountability changes that. It is the single most significant difference maker in whether or not people achieve their goals. People who have accountability to their goals are 95% more likely to succeed.

As we were talking an idea started to form. What if you started every week this year with intentional planning time that allowed you to plan each week with a focus on your values, priorities, and goals? Thirty minutes a week where you show up with other people and intentionally plan your week. That’s it. Simple accountability. Consistency. Discipline. I promise, if you do this you will see significant movement towards your goals no matter what they are.

So, I am starting a Monday Morning Club. Beginning on Jan. 8th 2024 (but you can join anytime) every Monday morning we will all show up together on a Zoom call for thirty minutes and plan our week. I will guide us through a simple goal review and planning time. All you have to do is show up.
*There are multiple time options, fill out the form to let us know your preferred time.

This first round is going to be a 3 month beta test and will be free. We all know what we need to do; this is an opportunity to commit to doing it and having a coach (me) keep you accountable to your goals! If you want to know more I’m happy to talk more about it more and answer any questions. If you are interested fill out the form below. (Filling it out does not obligate you to anything.)

In addition to the weekly call you will receive a weekly email where I will share all I’ve learned about goal setting, discipline, productivity, etc, as well as answers to your specific questions and creative solutions to the unique obstacles you face.

I believe that everyone has great things to offer the world and I’ve had the honor of witnessing people put that greatness into the world over the past 10+ years through their commitment to the process intentional accountability. But what has been even better than what my clients have produced and put into the world has been seeing who they have become in the process. It is the becoming that matters.

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”


I want more of that for more people and I am excited to offer this opportunity to you.

Pass this message and invite your family and friends! We even have some teens + pre-teens in the club!

Always in your corner,


Fill out the interest form HERE

Kim ButlerComment